Originally Posted By: long_lost_corleone

When did I say their rights are more important?

You bring in the "all men are created equal" and how racial profiling would be unconstitutional, as if we have done Muslims a great wrong by simply acknowledging the fact that their community churns out anti-American malcontents the way Wal-Mart does lower prices.

 Originally Posted By: long_lost_corleone
When did I say their rights are more important? The point I am trying to get across is that they deserve an equal right to transportation as any Caucasian-Christian American... Hence my exact words, "If you're going to search one group, search them all".

No one is denying them the right to travel.

But like I said, the baby, the grandma, the mother, etc., don't they all have a right to travel safely? Again, I'm tired of essentially putting innocent lives at risk so we don't piss some group of people off, even though that's exactly what's happening.

And furthermore, taking an airplane is a privilege, not a right. Yes, you pay for your ticket, but if you're a fucking lunatic and airport security stops you, you won't be flying. It's not an entitlement.

 Originally Posted By: long_lost_corleone
It's true the majority domestic terrorism is performed by those of Muslim decent.

Foreign AND domestic.

 Originally Posted By: long_lost_corleone
But the percentage of Muslims committing terrorism is rather low, in retrospect. When the majority of those of Muslim decent begin committing terrorism, I'll support your creepy, elitest methods of searching completely based upon race.

Compared to what? Rather low? So what, 3500+ people dead since 2001 is an anomaly, an aberration?

Or, it could be just plain fucking retarded, which I suspect.

Creepy, elitist? No. Common sense? Yes. Did I say we were giving white people passes, and only searching Muslims? No. So go back, read, and you'll see my "methods" are not "completely based upon race."

 Originally Posted By: long_lost_corleone
"Act" and "casualty" are not synonymous.

So the JFK plot that just was taken down - because nobody died, we should just, you know, ignore it, right? Because, after all, it was only an "act" of terrorism that wasn't executed.

 Originally Posted By: long_lost_corleone
I wouldn't say that. Hard-working? Alright, maybe most of them, but you're counting the ones that were probably sitting around, procrastinating and neglecting their work when all of a sudden--bam--the local air-transit is stuck over in corporate accounting.

What the fuck are you on about?
