Originally Posted By: Double-J
 Originally Posted By: svsg
There is a small possibility that one in a million white christian american can be convinced/coerced/threatened to carry out a bomb blast in USA.

Ah, I was waiting for that one.

The traditional "the biggest threat in this country is the White right-wing Christian lunatic" terrorists.

I said "samll possibility that one in a million". You are comparing it with "the biggest threat in the country". Dude, looks like you were really waiting to prove a non-existent point. Please don't bother. How desperate


I wondered how long it would take before someone in the thread put the Bible Belt on par with Al Qaeda.

I didn't. Maybe you are. I have nothing to talk about it.



For the study:


13% say suicide bombings are "ever" justified. This combines "often" and "rarely."


26% say suicide bombings are "ever" justified.


9% say suicide bombings are "ever" justified.

OK we are now talking of "ever" and "rarely" people, right? Everyone here knows that you support the Hiroshima attack, where you said civilian attack is ok if there is a greater cause. You had you chance to explain your "greater cause" in great detail over several posts. We don't know what these people had to say in in their justification. Since we are neglecting the context altogether, I will follow the same and say that you support attack on innocent civilians ever/rarely. So you are no better than the 1 in 4 muslims. So you should be the one subjected to EXTRA scrutiny in airports.