Originally Posted By: Double-J

You've also made it a point to say that its a small minority of the Muslim community that would participate in terrorist attacks, so I don't believe it is nonexistent. Desperate, no. Accurate, yes.

Never did I say "the biggest threat in the country is white/christian....." So inaccurate.



good. I didn't make that comparison.


"Ever" and "rarely" are, by the study's own definition, people who support suicide bombings, according to their own totals. It's not like I made it up.

I didn't say you made it up. But the context or detailed reasoning is not presented


I support Hiroshima. Totally different situation, fwiw. Just because you don't agree with my argument, which I had supported with facts and evidence, doesn't make it a 1:1 situation, nor does it mean I advocate suicide bombings, because they are completely different. You want to have another Hiroshima debate? Revive the thread.

We agreed to disagree in that thread. I agree that it is not a 1:1 situation. But I just gave you an example to tell you how wrong things will look when presented out of context. ,that the "1 in 4" number is grossly incorrect.


Furthermore, I'd like you to explain to me the "justification" in blowing up some innocent civilians on an airplane, thanks.

Sorry, I don't need to give you any justification because I was not one of them who responded in the survey for "rarely/ever" option. Infact, I don't support suicide bombings for any reason, not even for any greater good. If you remember my argument in hiroshima thread, I said that killing civilians is not justified even if it serves a greater good. I only said that those who responded to the survey might have a justification, like you have for the hiroshima case. And those justifications, if any were not published. Don't twist the argument.


And your spin isn't going to work, but thanks for trying.

I didn't spin anything. It is just that when I put you in the same category as those who responded for rarely/ever, you started giving a spin on all arguments. Stop that and respond to logic.


Bottom line question (for those who disagree with me): Would racial profiling not make it more difficult for Muslim terrorists to carry out plots against American flights? If not, why?

I am one of those who disagree with you on racial profiling. So I'll answer your 'bottom line' question.

Yes I agree that racial profiling will make it difficult for terrorists to do any harm. But it will also make it difficult for vast majority of innocent people belonging to those races to lead a dignified honorable living with racial profiling going on. It is racist and unacceptable in a tolerant society.