Originally Posted By: Double-J

What was your point if it wasn't to infer that Christians, or some other group, is just as likely to commit an act of terror, even if that is contrary to what we've established in this thread?

Not just as likely. It is clear that muslims are more likely to be terrorists against America than other groups. I have told this several times. But I also gave you the disease example to show that 99-1 number can be misleading. I also said that a white/christian american could be convinced/coerced/threatened to to an act of terror. It includes the possiblity of an Al-quaeda guy threatening the lives of entire family of a person, if he were not to do a specific act indirectly leading to terror - say like photographing some building/bridge without being suspected as a terrorist. I am not saying it happened. I am saying it is possible (remember 12 angry men?)


But its not! You asked me to show you where in the Pew study it said 25%. I did.

It isn't out of context, it is accurate.

It is clearly out of context to me. If I were given a multiple choice question, with rarely/sometimes as one of the options, I should also be given a column to describe that option as is customary with surveys that have such subjective answers. Even if the survey had it, it wasn't published. So as credible and prestigious the survey is, the information we have to draw such stock conclusions as that one journalist did, is woefully insufficient.



I don't know. I didn't even think that anyone could justify Hiroshima (whether or not I agree with them) until recently. None of my islamic friends think suicide bombing is justified rarely/sometimes. So I don't have a way of knowing what muslims in general think. And a survey like this (or atleast the news item based on it) is so carelessly worded to add to the existing misconceptions.


If they want the system changed, start giving up those who are spreading hate in their communities, those who are planning attacks like the one at JFK, etc.

It isn't racist. It's based on the fact that radical Muslims have committed the most heinous acts of terror against America since the USS Cole bombing. We're using common sense, not racism.

For the record, I could care less about tolerance.

Giving up?
You are saying as though Al-qaeda discusses their plans with ordinary muslims like my friends that I mentioned. What can a muslim american citizen do to improve the situation without having to give up his/her civil liberties and undergoing needless humiliations? First of all some are trying to club the innocent muslims into the same category as the terrorists, by asking them to undergo extra hassles because of race. On top of that, you accuse them of not giving up terrorists, as though they are actively involved in all criminal activities. It is just the image of muslims as some kind of barbaric race, that is making people imagine that they cannot lead a decent, hardworking life like any other race. Prejudice in its peak.