Originally Posted By: Don Cardi

Now you're splitting hairs.

You know what, let's cut the bullshit here and call a spade a spade. OK?

Now that I pointed out that all the statistics you have been quoting are all exaggerated and out of context, you want to go back to your argument without dealing with specifics? I asked you a list that will catch criminals and not trouble innocents. You know what, you have given a lot of bullshit. Let's cut that first. An arab man praying in terminal or talking on cellphone before take-off are suspicious behavior? All devout muslims pray wherever they are in the direction of Mecca, 5 times a day. There are muslim students in my research lab who pray in the lab at university. I am an athiest, so I don't care. But I don't think they should be treated with suspicion for that. And talking on cell-phone before takeoff? That should be the silliest point? Please, let us call a spade a spade. Yo are talking bullshit and I don't want to continue this with you. Draw whatever conclusion you want. I can only fight some amount of irrationality at a time. Such gross racism/xenophobia is beyond my patience to deal with. Enjoy your sweet little success with DJ.