Originally Posted By: svsg

You are saying as though Al-qaeda discusses their plans with ordinary muslims like my friends that I mentioned. On top of that, you accuse them of not giving up terrorists, as though they are actively involved in all criminal activities.

Of course they don't discuss their plans with the average Muslim person. But you cannot deny that there have been many cases in the past several years where some teachers in Mosques were arrested because of their ties to terrorist organizations. Does that mean that the other Muslims who went their to serve Allah are also guilty? Not at all. TRhe only thing that they may be guilty of was turning a blind eye to what was being taught right in their houses of worship.

So please don't sit there and tell me that some of these radical teachers who were proven to have terrorist ties were NOT preaching extremism in those Mosques! People of the Muslim communities that were subject to having these extremists removed from their Mosques have admitted themselves, after the fact though, that they were being taught extremism by some of these teachers. If that was the case then why not come forward and turn in the teacher who is preaching fanaticism and extremism?

The Al Farouq mosque in Brooklyn helped raise millions of dollars for al Qaeda. Omar Abdul-Rahman, the blind shiek, was preaching hatred and extremism for many years at three mosques in the New York area. Yet no one from those Mosques went to the authorities to report what was being said by him in those Mosques.

Surely there were innocent Muslims who went to those Mosques. Where were they in defending what their religion is really supposed to be about? Where were they in turning in a guy like Rahman because of the distorted teachings that he was preaching in their Mosques?

I think that's what DJ is talking about. ;\)

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.