Originally Posted By: Don Sicilia
Ten Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King)

1 - It's been kind of a strange fantasy baseball season thus far. JL is missing a lot of days. TM hasn't missed any. JG refuses to stay in the chick sandwich. ;\)

2 - I have pitching available in Yahoo baseball, if anyone is interested. \:D

3 - The next time a college basketball coach is up in arms about losing a recruit, he need only look at the Billy Donovan episode to figure out that he should keep quiet. While players are usually vilified for turning their backs on letters of intent, coaches are generally lauded when they move on to better opportunities. I am not against someone trying to better his situation - it's the hypocrisy that bugs me.

4 - I'm preparing my essays for my business school apps. Some of the questions are pretty standard (e.g. what are your long-term goals and why this school?) while some of the questions are interesting (e.g. what is the number one threat to humanity?). It'll be tough to answer the humanity question in fewer than 500 words.

5 - When I'm done with b-school apps, I'm jumping into Seasons 3+ of "24" and no one is going to stop me. \:D

6 - Where's Zia been hiding? Is she still distraught over potentially losing Kobe? \:p

7 - Please - no more rainouts for the rest of the season.

8 - You guys have any thoughts to the humanity question? My initial inclination would be to write about the environmental consequences of the industrial revolution in China. Or I could write about Paris Hilton. Whichever.

9 - I'm looking forward to the NBA Finals for the first time in a while. Mainly, I want to see how LeBron will do on the big stage.

10 - Here's a riddle for all of you (oldie, but a goodie):

You come to a fork in the road where there are two guards standing. There are two roads you can take - one way provides safe passage while the other is populated with bandits. One of the guards always tells the truth, while the other always lies, but you don't know who does what.

You are only allowed to ask one question to figure out which is the safe road. What is the one question?

NO MENTION OF ME?!?! I would have answered that humanity question too....

"You gave your word, I never gave mine"