And that draft was annoying as fuck.
I quite enjoyed it. It made each match more interesting to see which brand was going to get the next pick and also who was gonna go where. The messages for Vince were also somewhat nice. Stone Cold's was probably the funniest but Bret Hart's was the best. I couldn't believe he actually did it

No, no. I liked how they had matches to decide who got the next draft pick. I mean the "randomizer" thing, and how it took like 30 seconds for it to pick one, and the noises it made. It irked me.
Other than that, I thought it was a pretty decent show. The car bomb really threw me off though.
I've been working the last few Mondays (besides last night), and I missed how Shawn Michaels got hurt. What happened? Is he coming back? I know he's getting old.