Originally Posted By: ginaitaliangirl
BDD! Welcome back - I always look forward to your posts.

I'm so glad you whipped CS back into shape. I was starting to worry about him. And I'll do my part to promote more bad mouthing and mind my lowly place as a chick. ;\)

Aww don't take the 'chick' stuff personally besides I just play along with that stuff - it is really Da Douche who promotes it. Matter of fact here is a part of his reply back to my PM ....

<coughclearingthroatcough> Thanks Big Daddy Wuss for snapping me out of my rut. True I can't have the chicks beat me in fantasy sports. Don't get me wrong there is a place for these chicks like behind the oven at dinner or behind a vacuum - but not in fantasy sports ....

So go figure - me it doesn't bother me as long as things stay within reason. Us guys let things get out of hand next thing you know you chicks will have your own thread in the Sports section, posting pictures of male athletes and oogling at them ... we can't have that happen .... But on the times I do check back I expect you to be doing plenty of bad mouthing ... remember if you can't win you can at least make those ahead of you feel bad about themselves.

 Originally Posted By: J Geoff

Well, well - Bad Daddy! \:o

Sorry, but I'll be making my run (back) to the top soon enough. I'm just too comfy being the meat of a pork sandwich. \:D \:p

Hey Pork - I gotcha your 'Bad Daddy' right heeereee ....
I'd imagine you are pretty comfortable in you little sandwich roll so I don't expect much movement although I would sense the bread to your sandwich will soon tire and move onto new meat. \:p

Ok - back to the game.