Speaking of copying and pasting, guess the person who wrote all this wonderful well-thought out opinions when talking to a decent person (not me) on these boards!

From May 14th 2005:

"I agree with DJ, but as for me, if Clemens can bring us a title, I'm willing to forgive him for the moment. I hate him probably as much as any other Yankee fan (espeically during this year's postseason with everyone at my college being on the "Astros bandwagon.") But if he can win us a title and we can flant him in front of Boston, I'm all for it. I'd rather win than him rot in Houston (but my feelings are the same)"

From October 7th 2006:

"Now now don't be so jealous that your boys weren't good enough to make it this year . Hopefully this will teach Clemens not to come back next year. Maybe if your fellow statesmen weren't such a$$holes about texas sports I wouldn't have so much animosity towards texas teams."