Hello everyone. Just logged onto this forum and I hope to contribute whatever I can.

The Godfather Part II was an excellent film overall. But the ending was one of the most moving, tragic, depressing, and greatest scenes in all of movie history. Its also the scene that affected me the most. The gunshot ringing out from the view of Michael in his Tahoe boathouse brings on a feeling of emptiness, hopelessness, and destruction. At the beginning of the original when he was surrounded by family and started out as a "nice college boy", he is now a power hungry monster who has either driven away or destroyed everyone he loved around him. At least that's my view of it for now. One of the most beautiful and ominous scenes ever put on film. Its difficult to come close.

However, I also like Part III, even though its a given since I love the entire trilogy. The ending was also very depressing, and tears at your heart. Again, after years of effort to remove the Corleone family from crime, another person dear to him is gone. Michael's "silent scream" signifies all the devastation, regret and anger coming out of him all at once. Also, as another person said, Michael Corleone died on the steps of the opera, but lingered for years in physical form: an emotionless, half dead form that would collapse in a wooden chair with nobody to comfort or help him. Also very upsetting and powerful. But I still don't think its as original or well done as Part II's ending.

"It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again." - Jame Gumb, The Silence of the Lambs.

"I'm sick of carrying guns and beating up women."- James Cagney