"Ghetto chic"? Boy,
that's an oxymoron if ever I've heard one!

Now, as far as peeing in the street, DC is correct: it's not an Italian thing. At least, not that I know of.
In Brooklyn, it
is, however, a Russian thing.
As one of the last English-speaking people living in my neighborhood, I am amazed at the carefree attitudes Russians here have toward that. I've even seen mothers with very young children encouraging those kids to do it in broad daylight against the nearest brick wall. (And, BTW, there were plenty of restrooms available in nearby stores and restaurants). There is one man (who looks just like Clemenza with hair) who works handling food at a local deli/produce store who regularly relieves himself between parked cars or into the front garden of the apartment building next door. Then he strolls back to work through the rear entrance and goes back to handling food. (Not
my food - I do not patronize that store.)
And then there's blowing your nose without a handkerchief...
But, I digress.
Redneck? Naw...Red Square?
How'd we ever get so far OT?
Anybody remember what we were originally discussing?
Edit: Oh yeah...
"Is he dead?" Yeah - if my father ever caught him peeing in the street, he woulda killed him.
Signor V.