Originally Posted By: Beth E
I walk around Oriole Park during my lunch break. Today I turned a corner and walked right past Mike Flanigan getting out of his car and going into the offices. He was probably one of the top pitchers of The Orioles grand days. I will never forget the aura around the last game played at old Memorial Stadium. The crowd was cheering Flanigan's name to be put in the game. I think if he hadn't the whole stadium would have charged the field..haha. The last inning of the last game the bullpen gate opens and Mike strolls onto the field. It was a very touching moment. I know The Orioles were losing, but no one cared about the score. Mike could have given up a grand slam and he would have still been cheered. Now that he's part of the top management of the suck ass O's he doesn't get the same treatment. \:\)

I'm glad to have been able to see a game at old Memorial Stadium. A former colleague of mine grew up in Baltimore in a house right next to the stadium. For home games he and his brother would charge $5 to allow fans to park in their driveway. They made enough each night to buy tickets and get a hot, dog, drink and ice cream. That was in the day when you could get a cheap seat for a dollar.