I'm glad to have been able to see a game at old Memorial Stadium. A former colleague of mine grew up in Baltimore in a house right next to the stadium. For home games he and his brother would charge $5 to allow fans to park in their driveway. They made enough each night to buy tickets and get a hot, dog, drink and ice cream. That was in the day when you could get a cheap seat for a dollar.
People who live in the Pimlico area do the same on Preakness day. They make a killing. They're gonna commit suicide if the Preakness leaves Baltimore.
I've been to exactly 2 games at Oriole Park. It's too corporate feeling for me. I loved Memorial Stadium. Now they worry about sky boxes and fancy schancy things. I'd rather go to a AAA game.
Last edited by Beth E; 06/21/0702:23 PM.
How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin