Speaking of which, I would book Orton winning the title last night.

Yes, he's a steroid-pumping, tits and ass-grabbing, European hotel room-smashing brat, but putting those personal issues aside, him winning the belt would open alot of booking possibilities.

It would set up an Orton/Cena/Lashley triple threat PPV main event at SUMMERSLAM, where the program is that while Cena and Lashley want to get revenge on the scheming opportunist who slicked his way to a title victory, Orton uses the two supermen with superman-size pushing to fight each other instead of concentrating on Orton.

I mean folks, Wrestling Booking is NOT THAT DAMN HARD AT ALL. Anyone can do it.

But apparently, WWE thinks its the 1980s all over again. Where's the mullets then?