Originally Posted By: Double-J

1.) Acquire Milton Bradley. You could get him for a bag of potato chips (as the Royals did for all of five seconds before the injury wiped out the trade). Send the A's a briefcase with unmarked $1 bills.

Why this makes sense: The Yankees could use an offensive upgrade over Melky. Despite the problems associated with Bradley (still rather have him than Elijah Dukes, *shudder*), he has some nice stats and can get on the ball.

3.) Sign Sal Fasano AGAIN. They never should have let him go in the first place, but the 'stache had some panache that we lack this year.

With Bradley, be careful what you wish for. Bradley has given me the greatest personal sports thrills, so I'll always have a soft spot for him. It was a AA championship deciding game in 1999. His Harrisburg Senators were trailing the Norwich (the then Yankee affiliate) by 3 in the bottom of the ninth with two outs. He drilled a 3-2 pitch over the right field fence to win the game after striking out 4 times earlier. I would have seen it live, but we left after the eighth - it was cold, misty, and the kids had school the next day (and I listened to my wife ). The next year, he signed a photo of the hit for me, which I have framed.

But, in truth, Bradley is more trouble than he's worth. there isn't a player currently in team sports who even closely approaches his level of disruptive behavior. This trend was evident when he was a minor league player as he was suspended for spitting and shoving an umpire, and engaging in altercations with teammates and coaches. He 's thrown a bottle at and atacked fans in LA. he is truly a sociopath, whose most egregious outburst is surely yet to come, given the opportunity. Torre, Jeter, Steinbrenner and the NYPD won't be able to turn him into a gentleman. Playing in the Steinbrenner pressure cooker certainly would be the perfect atmosphere for him to surpass the actions of Jimmy Piersall. Also, he is a career .270 hitter with average power for his position.

I've always liked Sal Fasano, who beat out a bunt for a hit this year. He brings a lot of spunk although he won't win many games for you with his bat.