yo Yo YO !!! Big Daddy back in Da House and giving a shout out .... \:\/

Anyway nice to see that my little pep talk has kept DB motivated, not only getting him to move into first but open up a lead. See he just needs some pushin ....

However it looks like I might have to give a pep talk to Klydon .... Really - last place and to make it worse you are from PA, near Phila. My old stomping grounds - have you no integrity man, no Phila Soul, how can you be in last place and not only in last place but behind a few chicks also ? You need to cowboy up or at least stop associating yourself with Phila and PA .... \:p And 10,000 loses for the Phils, at least they have a lead in something.

It's not that difficult - talk about how the Stro's suck and talk about Willy, that will cause palpitations for Gina, causing her to lose focus, that is one. And the other chick Crabby - well she still scares me so your on your own with her. You can try fresh produce as a start.

And Gina from quickly looking through this I do not see any of the bad mouthing you said you were going to do. This seems too civil, now if I don't see some serious bad mouthing from you soon, I'll have to put the whammy on not only your fantasy team but your Houston team. Start off with something easy - DB is in first - call him by his name - Douche Bag .... \:o Pork, ummm Geoff the list of names are numerous for him. His recent talk of his big move, I see he is in his typical third place ranking .... \:D

So when I check back in here is what I expect;

DB to continue his push forward with an even wider lead
Klydon - to start to show some friggin Phila pride and at least get atop a chick. Us Phila guys never pass on a chance to get atop a chick.
Gina - please start saying bad things about people in the game - you said you would.
Pork - something other than third place please ...
Basement Bethie - just don't hurt me.

Ok - as you were Peeps.