In true Philadelphia form, I'm hopelessly stuck in the bottom of the standings, talking about next year.
You would have never made it in the early days of this fantasy sports stuff with that attitude .... Here, I'll make you feel at home ... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!! C'mon you are giving Phila a bad name ....
Originally Posted By: ginaitaliangirl
BDD, I can't be mean to Don Sicilia! He's a true gentleman. Even if he is a Cubs fan.
Shouldn't you be used to empty promises from girls by now??
Oh come on you can mean to him, it's easy. Listen if you are really having a hard time, I'll send you some of the PMs he sends me when he talks about you ... You know he told me that Maynard Ferguson wasn't really that good - he said he could make better music with wooden spoons, or even with his hand under his armpit ... You gonna take that from him.
Regarding the empty promises - well I am married so yes you have me there ....
Hey Pork - nice to see you in third place ... for Christmas this year I'm getting you the book I Am Third ....