Yeah no problem...

F- One the worst films you could possibly see! Everything about is terrible or poorly done.

D- to D+ - A film that is very bad but has one or two good scenes that save the film from getting an F.

C- to C+ - This is an average movie that is held back from poosibly being very good. Most sequels will get this grade. There some good things about this film but some bad things will hold it back.

B- to B+ - These are good movies, not great, but definetly worth a viewing. The good things about about out number the bad. If the film was sightly better it could be in the A range.

A- to A+ - These are truely great films that fans of movies should stop what their doing and just watch it. These movies will go down as classics. Worth multiple viewings and a purchase.

"When my time comes, tell me, will I stand up?"
Paulie "Walnuts" Gaultiere - The Sopranos