Originally posted by olivant:
... You're about to kill a guy, so why not cause him further torment during his last few moments of life by causing him to think that his padrone had turned on him...
Because again...I don't see how a man like Hyman Roth would concern himself with such things. Frankie was 'small potatoes', who cares what his dying thoughts would be. And the hitman wouldn't know to say it unless specifically instructed to do so. Ultimately, it is inescapeable that line makes no sense.

And the reason FCC didn't 'reshoot' is that at the time, it probably seemed like a good idea. And on the surface, it WAS a good idea except for the unanticipated nitpicking & questions that would follow some 20-30 years afterward by GF geeks everywhere!


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.