
Whatsamatter, olivant...can't handle anyone disputing your 'theories'? I'm not surprised to find out you would own such a book.

Regarding the infamous line...I've heard it discussed for more years than I've been on the BB and by bigger GF officianados than myself. The general concensus is that it is a FLAW, because no matter what its logic cannot be explained...and I happen to agree with that.

So, think up whatever Rosato Bros. 'trait', whatever 'subplot' you like...the line is a flaw, has always been a flaw, and always will be a flaw.

Luckily, while an obvious one, it is far to minute a flaw to have a lasting negative effect on an otherwise flawless movie (except for the question of who opened the curtains, who killed the hitmen and exactly how did Fredo help Roth).


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.