I thought my problem was not being familiar with the hometowns of players, but this turned out to be something I should've known!

Since you had me in mind, I realized it had to be an Astro. I knew it wasn't Biggio because I happened to know he's from NY (hopefully headed back, as our announcer so eloquently put it, to another town in NY...Cooperstown)

I then went to Baggy, figuring it could be him because of his already high amount of career homers, regardless of state origin.

Then I sort of cheated.

I went to Wikipedia, and the first thing that jumps out at me on the page is: "On August 30, 1990 the Red Sox traded [Bagwell] to the Houston Astros for 36-year old relief pitcher Larry Andersen to gear up for their playoff run."

Thanks, KL. \:D