Originally Posted By: Irishman12
Unfortunately, he could be gone after the year (I think he will be) \:\(

Don't be so sure. The Yankees have the deepest pockets, and Boras knows how to get money for his players. Steinbrenner can make things happen - I think this would be one case where the Boss would step in and open the pursestrings - even if it hasn't happened in awhile (at least since the Sheffield acquisition). Unless A-Rod completely bombs in the playoffs (if they make it), I don't think any other team (outside of Boston and Los Angeles) can afford A-Rod. And both of those teams will need to lose some salary off their current payload, hurting their chances. It's possible he'll leave, but I don't give it better than a 70/30 chance.

And, A-Rod just bought a new house in Connecticut...