Originally Posted By: long_lost_corleone
I can understand both sides of this argument. I'll preface by saying television is a complete waste of your time, and it may have started out with the intention of creating a valuable information median, but it's sort of evolved into one of the worst inventions of all time. Now it's premier purpose seems to be to entertain the masses with absolute crap that is the equivilent of cheap sex with a hooker to the arts.

I'll agree, his show is a tad pointless, much like the bulk of what's being pumped though that worthless contraption daily. We know that child molesters are sexually accosting children, both online and in person. Is it necessary that we show the same thing on television every week? He could perform the same service he's providing now by running an identical operation off-camera. The show isn't doing anything to keep your kids safe that it wouldn't do off camera. Regardless of whether or not film is present, a sex offender is being caught and put away. So, really, the show would serve a more logical life as a special instead of a series. I don't know if I'd go so far as to call him sick, but I haven't really thought about it before, because I am not a regular fan of the show. I would say Hansen provides a pretty good service, where as his show doesn't provide much service at all, and just continues to fill the public in on what they already know.

My only issue, and this is something that has obviously been touched upon in previous debates on terrorism and the death penalty, is that I can't fucking stand when people have to prove that they are better than criminals, or whatever, by calling them names or doing something similar. There is no need to taught the criminal, they obviously have something wrong with them, and they're being put into prison so *hopefully* they can get help. Although, I highly doubt the modern American prison system is based upon correction as much as it is contempt. People seem to have the wrong idea when a criminal is incarcerated these days. Every time we get into these sort of conversations and I read the ever so common "this guy was a scumbag" or what have you, it's safe to say I get pretty pissed off. That statement just pretty much completely sums up what's wrong with America's vision of felons. Jail is designed to correct people, not to round up everyone who we view as social inferiors, because they've made a few grievous mistakes.

Greatest post of all time.

I dig farmers don't shoot me please!