Yankees get another win, inch closer to the Wild Card, and...designate Mike Myers for assignment.

I know Myers wasn't a world beater...but you can't tell me you'd rather see Kyle Farnsworthless come in at this point than Myers.

And rumors are either Jim Brower, or move phenom Joba Chamberlain to the bullpen. Ugh.

What the hell does Chris Britton have to do to get on the team? He's been tearing up the minors all season. Poo.

Oh well. Let's look at Brower's minor league stats: 43.2 IP, 40 strikeouts, 1.65 ERA, with 20 saves for the Scranton-Wilkes Barre Yankees. I guess I can handle that.

And Joba? He's amazing. Over his four innings of bullpen work (since being converted from a starter for this call-up), he's thrown 4 innings, in which he's struck out 10 of the 12 batters. Yikes. I'm ready.