My parents' wedding day. April 13, 1940, Brooklyn.

(standing, from left to right): My mother's youngest brother (Beth, thats my uncle that you met), her parents, her other brother (who would be serving in England in two years - during the war), my dad's sister, and his parents.

(seated, from left to right): My mother's grandmother, my mom, my dad, my mother's grandfather and standing is my mother's nephew (Branch Rickey, the Brooklyn Dodgers' president who signed Jackie Robinson was his "Big Brother").

(kneeling in front): My mother's niece and my father's cousin.

This is a hard photo for me to look at now. Only three of all those in it are still alive. To see my parents together, with their whole lives in front of them and to think now that my dad is dead and my mom is in failing health makes it somewhat depressing. On the other hand, I'm happy I have this picture. Does that make sense?
