Originally Posted By: johnny ola
 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
 Originally Posted By: dontomasso
I wouldnt chartacterize Rocco and Neri as "society people," but I get the point.

Look at the kind of people that were sitting on the Tahoe grounds for Anthony's communion. Even Anthony tells him that he didn't know the people there who gave his presents.

You can even go one step further ( TB and I have talked about this comparison several times) and watch the opening scene of Connie's wedding and compare it to the opening scene of Anthony's communion.

Sonny spitting on law enforcement badges at Connie's wedding. Michael having champagne cocktails brought out to law enforcement at his son's communion.

Stracci, Cuneo, Barzini, Tattaglia, Clemenza, Tessio, etc. all partying out in the open and dancing at Connie's wedding. An old Italian band playing the music.

Senetor and Mrs. Geary, The Boys Chior, High Class Flamingo dancers, Mr. Hughes*, Mrs. Astor*, etc. all sitting properly out in the open at Anthony's communion while Rocco, Neri and the other soldiers stood basically out of sight. A forty two piece "orchestra" providing the music.

*Hughes and Astor names used just for an example of high society people.

Don't stop there, take the next step and make those comparisions with GFIII when Mike included high ranking bishops into his circle of friends.

Good point. Michael, as you correctly pointed out, makes another step in trying to look legitimate in surrounding himself with Bishops and Cardinals. He even has a "press agent" on staff.

The only reason that I did not go into GFIII was because Pentangeli was the center of this discussion. But you are correct in your observation.

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.