Originally Posted By: olivant
I still don't understand. Men have plenty of hair down there and I've never heard a man complain about it. You say it drives you crazy. Are you saying that somehow you feel it or something like that? In fact, you're the first woman I've heard complain about her hair down there. I don't get it.

Each person has his own threshold of getting irritated by different things, and you don't have to understand it, but that doesn't mean there isn't such a thing. It just feels as bad as getting kissed by a man with stubble, which perhaps you don't understand the irritation caused by that either. I just hate it. Yes, I feel it, I feel disgusted by it, it pierces my skin and I feel germs having party in my jungle.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones