I have not read all the replies to this thread BUT my best for those who desire to quit!
As many know, I am a casual cigar smoker. I smoke maybe 5 per week depending on weather, schedule, golf, etc.... I find smoking a cigar relaxing, refreshing, and my way to get away from the world.
I only smoke handrolled cigars and definitely never a machine-made piece of crap (life's too short to smoke cheap cigars).
I do buy and sell cigars on the side (via the net mostly but have some other "sources" as well)
Like most people I have tried cigarettes but never enjoyed them.
About 6-7 years ago, I started smoking more cigars and actually smoked more of the little machine made crap at work (sneak out side for a quickie, etc...) I started to get worried that I was fast becoming addicted and wanted to beat it before it got the better of me.
A young lady at the office recommended nicotine gum. She said she was woried she would gain weight if she tried to stop cold turkey or whatever. So... I figured what they hey I will give it a shot!
BIG MISTAKE (fro me at least!) I became addicted to the gum! I chew two pieces of 4 mg at a time and probably chewed about 30 pieces a day during my "bad spells" -- $15 / day! I have been trying to get off the stuff for a few years and actually have only had one piece (well - two 4MG pieces) since June 1.
Maybe I should start smoking regularly

Well, it is really strange as the ony brand that I like is nicorette -- nothing else will d it for me (it is also the nmost expensive). As soon as I wake up in the morning, I start to crave the peppery taste of nicorette.
So.... wish me luck as well