Originally Posted By: Don Cardi

All depends on how important and profitable that future business relationship really is. If in the long run, the unexpected costs turn out to be nominal in comparison to the big picture, than it should be handled a bit differently and more professionally. If not, then they should be blasted!

I'm assuming when she posted "$XXX," AngelaMarie was implying that the party involved is asking for a considerable sum in the hundreds of dollars range in return for this "favor" (i.e. backdoor extortion). Unless this move has the turnaround profitability of a Nigerian scam (i.e. "pay me $XXX now, and you'll receive $XXXXXXX later!"), I'd say it is not worth it.

Consequently, I'd consider a "nominal" act buying this person a beer or a cocktail; not doling out hundreds of dollars for "services" rendered. ;\)