Originally Posted By: Don Sicilia
I'm number 266 for the second half - I was in the top 100 about a month ago, but I've slowly dropped since.

Overall, I'm currently ranked #89 and knock-on-wood, I hope I can improve from there.

anyway, I don't get tired of congratulating you. I can't count how many times I've checked my team and get all excited with a 55 just to go and see DB's 75 a few secons later.

I don't know if you'd share that kind of info, but I'd really like to see your 'scoring summary' for the season. looking at mine, I notice that all of the best hitters in the game that I've picked a lot of times average about 4-5 pts per game, except for some bad luck (Sizemore 3.3 PPG in 29 games). I'd like to know if any of you have more or less success. share your info, wusses!

"I'm just a humble motherfucker with a big ass dick"
The Bunk