Sr Vitelli certainly doesn't need anyone to speak on his behalf, but I'll do it anyway. His indignation, quite understandable, comes from a rather cavalier attitude made worse by a joke here. I'll remind you that SV lost his wife to cancer not too long ago.
When a 12 year old makes a statement suggesting that your pleasure is more important than your health it only serves to show a complete misunderstanding of life.
I've smoked for the better part of 40 years and I'm much worse off for it. I wheeze when I walk, I have trouble climbing stairs, I have yellowed teeth and fingers from the nicotine, my blood is thicker than it should be, and I have a few other medical issues from the smoking. I wish I had never started smoking so many years.
I realize it may be difficult for some of you younger guys and gals to relate to this. When you're a teenager your own mortality seems beyond comprehension. Life has a way of catching up on ya, and you'll inevitably pay dearly for any poor behavior, whether it be drugs, cigarettes, booze or poor eating habits. On a strictly financial basis you'll end up saving a LOT of money, too, if you don't smoke.
I urge you to don't smoke if already don't and to give up the ugly habit (if you do smoke now) before its too late.
My congratulations to all those of you who have stopped or are in the process of stopping now.

Well said SC.