Originally Posted By: DonVitoCorleone
 Originally Posted By: SC
When a 12 year old makes a statement suggesting that your pleasure is more important than your health it only serves to show a complete misunderstanding of life.

That's a personal attack.

You should be suspended for a month.

A shame DVC. A real shame. This was a topic that was started with the intent of showing and giving support to ANY member here that wanted to or was attempting to kick a bad habit. Then you posted in here. You made it, or attempted to make it into a debate of some kind. And in the process, intentional or not, you managed to personally offend another member here who lost someone very dear to him, someone whom he loved unconditionally, by spewing more of your ignorance. And the moderator here could have easily balled you out, banned you, or whatever, and rightfully so. But instead he takes the time to explain to you why that other member took such offense to your post, and in his own way trys to explain to the rest of us why sometimes things are said by young people. How sometimes us older people need to stop and try to understand where the younger generation is coming from and why they may feel the way that they do at times. And he actually gave us some food for thought on your behalf.

And what do you do? You come back on here and attack him. You PROVE that you are really not YET mature enough to see that he was only trying to prevent a situation from getting out of hand.

You have some track record on here. You're lucky that SC is such a fair and understanding person. Because if I were the one handing out the punishment, you'd be gone for fucking good.

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.