Great sign DC. I know you know this, but for those of you who don't, the Floridian Diner's famous sign can be seen in the background in GOODFELLAS, in the scene where Jimmy is in the phone booth finding out about Tommy having been killed. We've pm'd about this a few times. I used to eat breakfast there almost daily when I worked in Midwood.

SV, that was a great post to start this thread. Diners are very dear to me as well. My earliest diner memories are from the mid '60s. After "Sunday" school, my Dad would pick me up and we'd go up to the Raceway Diner, opposite Yonkers Raceway. It's still there, too. My uncle lived up in Yonkers, so we'd kind of make rounds going to see everyone before we ended up at that Sunday's final destination. Very often, it would be at my Uncle Nick's, on Pacific Street, in East New York.

This morning, I had to be in Astoria very early, and coincidentally, I ate at the Neptune Diner, on Astoria Boulevard, near the "mouth" of the Triboro Bridge. I had a western omelette and... wait a minute, shouldn't this be in the Breakfast thread?

Nice thread.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.