Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Keep Wang, get Santana some other way. Pitching, pitching, pitching.

Yes we piss out of a hole, but I think that would be Holey Piss. Holy Piss is something else, kinda like Holy Shit or Holy Cow. Depends on your religion. \:p ;\)

All this talk about Wang, piss, etc. makes me yearn for the latrine. \:p

Santana would be a free agent after next year, which is why I would wait, on one hand.

On the other, you take the risk of another team getting Santana through trade, and any trade would involve a long-term contract. So it really is a game of rolling the dice - do you trade away great talent in Wang and Melky, two major parts of the youth movement, for one of (if not the) elite pitcher in the American League? Or do you wait until the end of '08, when he hits the free market, could command an insane contract, and may have already been snatched up by another team?