Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
I'll tell you; if the reasoning for this shakeup is Torre's quiet dignity, and they're looking for someone with a different personality, they're better off with Girardi than Mattingly. And don't laugh at this one, although I'd be shocked if it happened--Don't discount Bobby Valentine, he's the best manager not currently working in MLB.

I suggested earlier that Bowa may be the guy if they wanted the opposite of Torre. He screams and throws tantrums, but I see them looking at Girardi and Mattingly.

I think it will be Mattingly because the Yankees have implied that he will be manager some day, and he is older than Girardi. Why make Girardi manager now if the older Mattingly is the future. Mattingly was a quiet guy as a player, and always seemed to me to avoid the limelight.

I'd be shocked if the Yankees hired Bobby Valentine. Something tells me that #2 will have some input on the decision.