Speaking of coffee, am I the only one that likes regular ol' coffee????

I never go to Starbucks or feel the need for anything other that my regular black coffee, be it Maxwell House, Folgers, or whatever????? I think I'm the only one in California that doesn't go get a latte (or whatever) every day.
I hate Starbucks. I have a very good friend who is in the coffee warehousing and blending business. You know what Starbucks does? They over roast one kind of bean and blend it with several others to get that strong coffee taste and then charge you an arm and a leg for a cup of their coffee. In truth, all Starbucks coffee is is burnt coffee that's blended with other types of coffee beans.
Personally I think that their coffee stinks.
As for tea, Miggy mentioned that she loves to dip donuts in her tea. I love to dip a fresh baked roll with butter in my tea.