JG, Clorox 2?? Sorry, we're an OxyClean household!
That reminds me of a marinade I would make for chicken:
Upon first reading this all I saw was what SB wrote about Clorox and Oxyclean, then you wrote it reminds you of a marinade. I was thinking how I don't want to be invited to your house for dinner.
I did the same thing also Beth.

Which brings me to a cute little story.
I used to drive into work everyday with one of the brokers that used to work for me. Besides his working for me we were personal friends. His mom used to be a floor manager on the exchange for many years and retired about 10 years ago. I knew him and his family very well.
Anyway his mom has the beginnings of Alzheimer's disease. One morning he picks me up and we are talking and I ask him how his mother is doing (she lives with his sister downstairs from him).
He looks at me and says "You don't want to know what happened yesterday."
He goes on to tell me that he was upstairs, about to sit down to dinner with his wife and kids, when he heard his sister scream
" What did you do? What is this?"
So he runs downstairs and his sister guzzling water down her throat and he asks "what's the matter?" and his sister goes
"Just taste this!" So he takes a piece of chicken cutlet and eats it and then spits it out!
He looks at his mother and then his sister and says? "What the hell did she do?"
Apparently the mother was frying Chicken cutlets for dinner and about halfway through frying she needed more oil in the pan. So she reached under the sink to where they keep the oil to get it and add it to the pan.
They figured out that she never picked up the oil. Instead she picked up Palmolive dish washing liquid and fried the second batch of chicken cutlets in the dish washing liquid!

I don't think that they ever let her cook from that day on!

Sad, but if you knew my friend's mom, it's pretty funny.