My Updated Gene Hackman. Thanks to Capo for reminding me of Night Moves. I knew my list wasn't right while looking at it.

1) The Conversation
2) Scarecrow
3) Night Moves
4) The French Connection
5) Superman

Jimmy Stewart

1) The Man From Laramie
2) Vertigo
3) The Shop Around The Corner
4) Destry Rides Again
5) The Naked Spur

Humphrey Bogart

1) In A Lonely Place
2) The Big Sleep
3) The Maltese Falcon
4) They Drive By Night
5) Casablanca

Robert Duvall

1) Lonesome Dove
2) Tender Mercies
3) The Apostle
4) The Godfather
5) The Godfather Part 2

Jack Nicholson

1) The King Of Marvin Gardens
2) The Last Detail
3) The Passenger
4) One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
5) About Schmidt

Barbara Stanwyck

1) Double Indemnity
2) The Lady Eve
3) Ball Of Fire
4) Forty Guns
5) Baby Face

Katharine Hepburn

1) Bringing Up Baby
2) Love Affair
3) The Philadelphia Story
4) Long Day's Journey Into Night
5) Adam's Rib

Cary Grant

1) Notorious
2) Bringing Up Baby
3) Only Angels Have Wings
4) North By Northwest
5) His Girl Friday

Laura Linney

1) You Can Count On Me
2) The House Of Mirth
3) The Savages
4) The Squid And The Whale
5) Kinsey

Jeffrey Wright

1) Angels In America
2) Basquiat
3) Broken Flowers
4) Boycott
5) Syriana

-A Streetcar Named Desire-

Stanley: You want a shot? (offers liquor)
Blanche: No, I rarely touch it.
Stanley: There's some people that rarely touch it, but it touches them often.