this is my guess as to why the title is "sf" and not Scarface.

It could be that the author is intending this novel to be read by (and read solely by) fans of the mafia and the film scarface and not for the rappers and other wannabe mafioso that rap about being mafia dons. If the title read "The Return of Scarface" more people of the MTV culture would use this novel as PR to their advantage (just like they use the film "Scarface" on shows like "Cribs" to illustrate to their fans that they somehow can relate to Tony Mantana) and distort to true meaning of the story. On the bright side, if it wasnt for the "buzz" of scarface, i dont know if there would be a re-release of the film on DVD and the showing of it in select movie theaters. Anyway, based on my reading of such topics, that is my guess at the reason why the title reads "sf" and not "Scarface" Do my ideas reflect your ideas, or am i just talking out of my ass lol

Bart, Is it wrong to steal a loaf of bread to feed your starving family? No. Well suppose you got a large starving family, is it wrong to steal a truckload of bread to feed them? Uh-uh. And what if your family don't like bread, they like cigarettes? I guess thats ok. Now what if instead of giving them away, you sold them at a price that was practically giving them away. Would that be a crime Bart?