Ok this topic could stir up some heated discussions but here it goes.

Every year me and 3 guys go deer hunting we help each other fill their permits, well earlier today I went with one of them so he could check in his deer. And some kid saw the deer in the back of my truck and he said "mommy they did a bad thing they killed an innocent deer"

Then naturally his mom started to accost my buddy and I. I simply stated that we're helping to control Nebraska's deer population(which in nebraska it's bad) She then asked how do I figure that, and I simply stated that with less deer out there there is less chances for auto-accidents involving deer. Then she stated that she doesn't care how many accidents happen as long as the "innocent deer" doesn't get killed.

Then I looked at her and asked would she still feel that way if she and her son were in an accident involving a deer. and her son was killed?

She had no response to that.

Granted asking what I did involving her son was maybe a little low and maybe uncalled for. But by that time I to pissed to even care. I also look at it this way she dragged her son in it first so he's fair game.

I don't mind people thinking the way they do about certain issues, but when they basically force those same views on their children who are to damn young to know what is really going on. That's going to damn far.

On a side note I haven't got my deer yet, but I have all week to accomplish that.

Last edited by The Iceman; 11/11/07 11:11 PM.