I have never hunted, nobody in my immediate family were/are hunters,(well, by brother in law is) but I have many relatives who are avid hunters and grew up in the MidWest which surrounded me by friends/neighbors were were avid hunters. I couldn't tell you when squirrel season, rabbit season or whatever is. The only reason why I know "when" deer season is, is because I got married on Nov. 14, and couldn't believe the relatives coming out of the wordwork to ask why oh why would we pick the day before opening day to get married.

All that being said, let's face it, hunting is a sport and the fact is there are many many people who enjoy that sport. It IS legal. To make accusations and/or attack a hunter for this as if it were a crime is really ridiculous and unfounded. Like I said I've never have hunted and have no desire to hunt, but Iceman, I would have told that lady to take a long walk off a short pier. \:D

Btw, I can't say it's on my shopping list, nor do I want one, but if I could afford say, a mink coat and wanted one, I'd get one. Does that make me horrible? Oh and steak, I'd go absolutely crazy without a stake fix.

Yea, it is a touchy subject for some, but bottom line is, it's legal and their are no grounds to attack and/or single out one person for legally following the hunting rules.

Oh, and Bibble, I think I've only known one person in SoCal that was a hunter, and he sort of kept it under wraps I think, because it is so unpopular here IMHO compared to the Midwest or East.


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon