Originally posted by Pherdy:
Originally posted by Don Sonny Corleone:
[b]How did James Caan meet FFC?
at Hofstra University on Long Island, New York.

Q: Coppola and George Lucas had founded 'American Zoetrope' in the late 1960's to make independent films outside of studios. Why did Coppola make The Godfather for a big studio anyway? [/b]
According to The Godfather Legacy, it says:

"...it represented a step backward to Coppola, a return to a typical Hollywood project under tight studio control. Nevertheless, given his worrisome financial position, Coppola had agreed to condider the project and started to read the book." orange

"The Godfather was a man to whom everybody came for help and never were they disappointed. He made no empty promises, nor the craven excuse that his hands were tied by more powerful forces in the world than himself. It was not necessary that he be your friend, it was not even important that you had no means with which to repay him. Only one thing was required. That you, yourself, proclaim your friendship. And then, no matter how poor or powerless the supplicant, the Godfather would take that person's troubles to his heart. He would let nothing stand in the way to a solution of that person's woe. His reward? Friendship, the respectful title 'Don' and sometimes the more affectionate salutation of 'Godfather.' Perhaps, to show respect only, never for profit, some humble gift - a gallon or homemade wine or a basket of fresh baked goods on a holiday. It was understood to proclaim that you were in his debt and that he had the right to call upon you at any time to redeem the debt by some small service." -- Mario Puzo, The Godfather (1969).