I've reached my "six month" landmark yesterday you guys.

It's much much much better. Do I still think about it? Yes! As a matter of fact, just Friday going to my daughter's house I was in traffic that was crawling like a snail. Pissed me off.

What should have been an hour drive (from work) turned into an hour and a half. Anyway, I had my cigarets/lighter right in the counsel. For the first time in quite a while, I looked down and thought, boy this is a "light-up" time if ever there was one. Deep down though, I knew I'd get through it.
My daughters' asked why do you still have your cigs? I have a full carton and a half carton in my houe. Well, don't know why I kept them, but today is the day I'm getting rid of them.

Thing is, they are six months old, I don't have a store receipt and they are most likely stale. I was thinking of putting outside my complex with a note saying "free, I quit". At any rate, I'm getting rid of them.