Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Lots of lovely gifts, although I swear that my one brother and SIL just look up stuff on the internet and think, What stupid-ass gift could we give the Babes this year?? We got a pancake warmer and this pitcher/bowl for mixing and pouring the batter. It is enormous. Where the F^^^ am I supposed to keep this thing? At Thanksgiving, we were discussing how we're all trying to downsize at this stage in our lives, that we do NOT want any more "stuff" because we all have too much, and BINGO, a giant batter pitcher/bowl!!
SB, this had me laughing out loud, because I know my mom would just love hearing this. That is exactly what we've been dealing with and griping about - too much "stuff."

We actually did not exchange gifts this year, deciding that it's gotten out of hand, where we all stress out about getting stuff for people, who end up not liking it or needing it - and just the whole idea of how commercial the holiday has become. My mom and grandma took it as a relief because they're ones that have to do a lot of stressful shopping for relatives, and I sort of enjoyed it, as well. I think it made us take Christmas for what it should be, as time to spend with loved ones.

But I have to admit...I got a bit sad on Christmas day, when there was no exchange of presents. It really isn't the gifts themselves - I don't think any of us missed getting something - but just the fun of that tradition, watching everyone pass boxes around and unwrap everything, of giving somebody something you hope is special for them...it was strange not to have that. I think my dad especially wished we hadn't changed things. We visited his parents' graves Christmas Eve, and my mom made a comment about how his mom never would've let us take away the gift exchange, because she absolutely loved to give gifts. That made me realize why he probably wanted to do it, and it made me sad. But we all had a wonderful time together as family, with my dad's brother's family making it even more special, so I'm grateful for that. That alone makes for a great Christmas.