Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Just to add to some observations and comments....Friday, Imus had Tim Russert on his radio shows commenting on the caucuses...in brief the cry for change, the Christian conservatives and the young vote were the big factors. Hillary, McCain, et al are seen as the old political machine. Obama is appealing to the young voters and to women (more than Hillary as previously stated). Iowa is more about social change where New Hampshire will be more about economics, so Obama and Huck will slip there.

Regarding change, I remember back in '76. The country had gotten over the Nixon years with Ford providing stability, but the country still wanted change, thus Jimmy Carter was elected. The same could happen with Obama. The demographics of America have changed. It should be interesting.

You mean the same Christian conservatives who wanted change by electing George W. Bush?

Remember when he was touted as the "Sheperd"?

Then one of his former aides came out with a book, a sincerely serious Christian, who claimed that Bush's clique at the White House mocked the "sheep" that is their Evangelical support.

Remember DIE HARD and its sequel DIE HARD 2: DIE HARDER?

Well I'm sorry, but Huckabee is BUSH HARDER, a sequel I don't want.

That said, better him than Romney. What a fucking douchebag.