Originally Posted By: J Geoff
 Originally Posted By: SC


Macaulay Culkin
Peter Gammons
Whitney Houston
Shia Lebeouf
David Letterman
Norm MacDonald
Jason Mewes
Borack Obama
Paul Shaffer
Britney Spears
Henry Winkler

Damn, talk about a bunch of long-shots!! \:o

Macaulay Culkin
-Suicide...Bad relatiionship with parents, molested by Michael Jakckson, etc...

Peter Gammons
-Already almost died last year (or was it 2006?)

Whitney Houston

Shia Lebeouf
-Curse of Indiana Jones, I explained in a previous post: "My best long shot is Shia Lebeouf. A kid who has been around forever in movies and very talented. He looks like he has a very bright, long acting career ahead of him. He has the type of potential River Phoenix had, and like River Phoenix he is going to be in the next Indiana Jones movie, and therefore die soon."

David Letterman
-Heart Attack

Norm MacDonald
-Alcohol/Gambling debt related death

Jason Mewes
-Drug Overdose

Borack Obama

Paul Shaffer
-Because he annoys the hell out of me

Britney Spears
-Could die at any moment for various reasons

Henry Winkler
-I probably shouldn't have put him on the list but I figure at least one sitcom icon has to die and he's looking a little frail lately.

In other words, I'm going to lose.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes