...What a tragic family they've been over the years. A shame. Marlon Brando would have really been heartbroken had he still been alive.
Probably true. But Brando is dead so let's take a moment to think about Christian's mother who I presume is alive and has lost her son a second and final time.
And even if she's not...had Mr. Brando recognized his parenting limitations and not fought for custody of his children, BOTH Shawnee and Christian may have led much happier lives, suffered much less 'tragic' circumstances, and very well might still be around today.
Speaking of the Kennedy's...I agree that it's better Jackie did not live to see the death of her son. She never liked the idea of him piloting and I believe if she were still alive he would not have been flying that plane.
And I think it's both hilarious and WONDERFUL that Caroline, lonely as she may be as the 'last one standing'...has decided to support Obama over Clinton for the Dem nomination.
