Originally posted by Gangster_10:
Scarface and the Godfather should not be compared. They are two seperate movies. Althought they are both "Gangster" films they are on two different time periods, and two different kinds of gangsters. Although a little comparison can be made of Tony's life and believe it or not Vito's. They both came to this country with nothing and built empires, the only difference of course Vito lived to pass the empire down to his children. Whereas we all know Tony's fate. But it can be said that if Tony would have followed rule no. 2 "Dont getr high on your own supply" his empire might have stood the test of time. Because when not all "coked-up" Tony was smart and cunning and brave as hell.

Some valid points Gangster_10.

I love both movies for their own reasons, but as you said, they cannot be compared.

Welcome to the boards.

Don Cardi cool

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.