Elephant (2003) - (out of four)
- Elephant truly disturbed me. With no main character or "hero" it made the movie feel very real as we follow different students around their high school. I must have stared at the screen for a solid five minutes after the movie ended not sure what to think because I felt so uncomfortable. I loved it. The long camera shots were very interesting to me as well. I know this movie seems to get mixed reviews but I think it is probably underrated, mainly because it doesn't progress or end the way the average movie does. I plan on watching it again next weekend.

Wolf Creek (2005) - (out of four)
-Better than I expected. Three people end up stranded in Australia and helped by a lovable Crocodile Dundee type man who turns out to be a killer. His character as a bad guy was actually quite entertaining. The movie isn't very original but I appreciated that it stayed away from the usual horror movie cliches, the ones that make you wonder why did that person just do the complete opposite of any normal human being. Not a masterpiece but very fun if you like B slasher flicks.

Requiem for a Dream (2000) - (out of four)
-After now seeing Pi and Requiem for a Dream I have to put Darren Aronofsky as one of the directors I want follow closely. He did a great job showing the decline of four drug addicts and made me feel as anxious and as close to what it probably feels like to be hooked on drugs. Without giving away any spoilers I will say part of the movie was as horrifying as anything I have ever seen. I truly felt sorry for the elderly lady who ended up addicted to prescription medicine that an irresponsible doctor prescribed her so she could lose weight. I highly recommend this movie but only to those who have the stomach to watch a very graphic and disturbing movie.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes